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 国际学术期刊《sensor letters》编委。

 国际学术期刊《instrumentation science & technology》编委。

 国际学术期刊《frontiers in sensors》编委。

 国际学术期刊《journal of sensor technology》编委。

 国际学术期刊《advances in optical technologies》编委。




赵勇,男,1973年5月生于沈阳市,国家杰出青年科学基金获得者、“长江学者奖励计划”特聘教授、教育部新世纪优秀人才。赵勇迄今发表sci检索的学术论文200余篇,h-index指数33; 获得部级科技进步二等奖2项;辽宁省自然科学奖二等奖2项;省部级教学成果二等奖1项;出版专著和教材4部;授权国家发明专利40余项;主持国家自然科学基金项目7项(杰青1项、重点1项、面上4项、青年1项)、国家863计划2项、教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划、教育部博士点基金、北京市自然科学基金、辽宁省自然科学基金、教育部中央高校基本科研业务费、中国博士后科学基金等科研项目20余项。



1. 2020/01--2024/12: 国家自然科学基金重点项目:“面向深海温盐深剖面长期监测的高性能光纤传感器阵列基础问题研究”(61933004),负责人 

2. 2018/01--2021/12: 国家自然科学基金面上项目:“新型磁流体光子晶体理论及传感技术研究”(61773102),负责人 


• 出版专著和教材: 





• 论文

(1)zhao yong, chen mao-qing, xia feng, cai lu, li xue-gang, small curvature sensor based on butterfly-shape mach-zehnder interferometer, ieee transactions on electron devices, 2017, 8. 24 accepted 

(2)zhao yong, xia feng, hu hai-feng, du chao, a ring-core optical fiber sensor with asymmetric lpg for highly-sensitive temperature measurement, ieee transactions on instrumentation and measurement, 2017, 8. 9 accepted

(3)zhao yong, tong rui-jie, chen mao-qing, xia feng, fluorescence temperature sensor based on gqds solution encapsulated in hollow core fiber, ieee photonics technology letters, 2017, 07. 03 accepted 

(4)zhao yong, wu qi-lu, zhang ya-nan, high-sensitive hydrogen sensor based on photonic crystal fiber modal interferometer, ieee transactions on instrumentation and measurement, 2017, 66(8):2198-2203 

(5)zhao yong, cai lu, li xue-gang, in-fiber modal interferometer for simultaneous measurement of curvature and temperature based on hollow core fiber, optics and laser technology, 2017, 92:138-141 

(6)赵勇,蔡露,李雪刚,吕日清,基于酒精与磁流体填充的单模-空芯-单模光纤结构温度磁场双参数传感器,物理学报,2017, 66(7):070601(1-9) 

(7)zhao yong, liu xu, lv ri-qing, wang qi, simultaneous measurement of ri and temperature based on the combination of sagnac loop mirror and balloon-like interferometer, sensors and actuators b:chemical, 2017, 243:800-805 

(8)zhao yong, gu ya-fei, lv ri-qing, yang yang, a small probe-type flowmeter based on the differential fiber bragg grating measurement method, ieee transactions on instrumentation and measurement, 2017, 66(3):502-507 

(9)zhao yong, cai lu, li xue-gang, temperature-insensitive optical fiber curvature sensor based on mmf-tcsmf-mmf structure, ieee transactions on instrumentation and measurement, 2017, 66(1):141-147 

(10)zhao yong ,wang peng, lv ri-qing, yang yang, research on temperature sensing characteristics based on up-taper and single mode-multimode fiber structure, ieee photonics technology letters, 2016, 28(22):2557-2560 

(11)zhao yong, wang peng, lv ri-qing, liu xu, highly sensitive airflow sensor based on fabry-perot interferometer and vernier effect, ieee/osa journal of lightwave technology, 2016, 34(23):5351-5356 

(12)zhao yong, chen mao-qing, lv ri-qing, wang peng, feng xin, small and practical optical fiber fluorescence temperature sensor, ieee transactions on instrumentation and measurement, 2016, 65(10):2406-2411 

(13)zhao yong, li xue-gang, cai lu, ya-nan zhang, measurement of ri and temperature using composite interferometer with hollow-core fiber and photonic crystal fiber, ieee transactions on instrumentation and measurement, 2016, 65(11):2631-2636 

(14)zhao yong, liu xu, lv ri-qing, zhang ya-nan, wang qi, review on optical fiber sensors based on the refractive index tunability of ferrofluid, ieee/osa journal of lightwave technology, 2017, 35(16):3406-3412 

(15)zhao yong, cai lu, li xue-gang, in-fiber mach-zehnder interferometer based on up-taper fiber structure with er3 doped fiber ring laser, ieee/osa journal of lightwave technology, 2016, 34(15):3475-3481 

(16)zhao yong, zhang ya-nan, lv ri-qing, li jin, electrical field sensor based on photonic crystal cavity with liquid crystal infiltration, ieee/osa journal of lightwave technology, 2017, 35(16):3440-3446 

(17)zhao yong, wang sheng-hao, li zhi, cao fu-yi, pei zhen-ying, a novel interval integer genetic algorithm used for simultaneously selecting wavelengths and pre-processing methods, chinese journal of analytical chemistry, 2015, 12. 28 accepted

(18)zhao yong, li xue-gang, cai lu, a reflective intensity modulated fiber tilt angle sensor based on an all-photonic crystal fiber interferometer, sensors and actuators a:physical, 2016, 244:106-111 

(19)zhao yong, wu di, lv ri-qing, li jin, magnetic field measurement based on sagnac interferometer with a ferrofluid-filled high birefringence photonic crystal fiber, ieee transactions on instrumentation and measurement, 2016, 65(6):1503-1507

(20)zhao yong, xia feng, li jin, sensitivity-enhanced photonic crystal fiber refractive index sensor with two waist-broadened bitapers, ieee/osa journal of lightwave technology, 2016, 34(4):1373-1379 

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